Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I love the saying "Life is full of setbacks, Success is determined by how you handle setbacks" and it’s so true as I have learned through my whole life of these irritating "setbacks". Of course as I get older and face more and more of them I am learning how to better myself through theses annoyances such as now starting our new venture Crossroads with my beloved friends Kim and Aymii. Holy setbacks just last night! Finding the perfect piece of property, bidding on the perfect property the emotional highs and lows uncertainty and pure excitement racing through your body at the same time...you celebrate...and then 2 minutes later running around like headless chicken cause there is a last minute email you just read from your wonderful realtor that the paperwork was revised and needs to be signed and sent back in ASAP!!! And you say HOLY S#@T WHY WHY WHY????!! why can’t anything ever go smooth! Well, I guess it’s because there is always a lesson involved however, it seems that things always works out somehow, and yes, it worked out. As I was leaving Kim’s house last night, my minds thoughts were, the three of us were celebrating that fact that our money situation would work. I read the "urgent" email in just enough time for me to get to Kim’s house to sign and fax updated paperwork and Carole's delayed text message stating all was good to go and I was clear to head home gave the storm passing over us just enough time to end and return home before dark, so yes, it all worked out until a new setback that may present itself today! I end with saying I believe if things don’t go your way we must trust in some way that every difficulty carries within the kernel of an equal or greater benefit. Ask yourself: “What’s good about this?”, “What can I learn from this?”, and “How can I benefit from this?”



  1. What I find most fascinating about all this is the false sense of urgency it tends to create. A week ago we didn't even know this property existed and we were still finding ways to forge ahead and build our dream. Once there is a realtor involved, it always seems to create this "drama" about doing things "now now now!". Honestly, I don't think we need to feel at the mercy of someone else's timeline.

    When Carole contacted me about the same issue I said, I'm unavailable to sign things this evening. If you need my signature, it will have to be right now, or tomorrow. She said, "I don't have Nina's yet and yours has to be on the same paperwork." I said, "I'll come sign it now, so you'll have mine at least and you can figure out something." Lo and behold...she rose to the challenge.

    My takeaway to this is, don't rise to someone else's false sense of urgency. Keep your wits about you and make your own rules. I don't mean that in a "diva-like" way, but generally, if you present your side of the equation, you can find some way to meet in the middle with the right solution.

    I don't see it as a set back, just as a minor logistic that took a little unexpected problem solving to overcome. I'm sure we're going to have plenty more of these to face! Good idea to learn from it. :-)

  2. This has been quite an amazing journey so far! SO MANY VALUABLE lessons! Mine have been: Let go and let God. What you perceive to be perfect for you may not actually be, and trust that the right thing, not the perfect thing (it doesnt exsist) will come your way when your heart mind and body are truly ready to receive it. Be happy and thankful NOW, and remember not to yern or strive for a thing...that energy actually blocks the very thing you have coming. Take the time it takes. Put your energy to good use and prepare. Build your life around your dreams and watch them come true.
    I could continue, but in my reality I am simply thankful for the shot at this amazing property, thankful for amazing partnerships and friends, and thank God for the awesome work he is doing in me and my life simply for opening my heart to Him.
